TEN Things You Probably Did Not Know About Acupuncture
You do not have to believe in acupuncture for it to work
No, you do not have to know how to read/speak Mandarin to practice but it does help
Acupuncture is not magic, but sometimes it may feel that way
There are hundreds of different styles of acupuncture. Some Japanese styles are very superficial with needle depth. While some Korean styles focus on Sujok (a type of distal needling).
Dr. Mutulu Shakar (aka Tupak’s stepfather) created the NADA 5 point protocol. An amazingly effective protocol that has helped thousands from post traumatic stressors
Acupuncture works as a preventive medicine
Some acupuncturists have their full practice just treating animals
Acupuncturists take tongue/pulse diagnosis to get a better picture of what is happening internally
Common to feel profoundly relaxed after an acupuncture treatment
Acupuncture works amazing on whiplash
If you would like to learn more about acupuncture, BOOK an appointment with me today!